I`m in Nagarote
with Hna Castro...My first night here
I killed a huge
Before I came on my mission, in one of my Special Ed
classes, I had this impression that
SpEd had prepared me for my mission.
And I don`t mean that in a condescending way.
I mean that I learned a lot
of really valuable communication skills, teaching skills,
and life skills in my
classes and experiences. I know I was supposed to study SpED
and also that I`m supposed to be here in Nicaragua.
September 26, 2011
Dear Family,
I finally get to write you!!!! I sent a letter today. Well, I`m in Zona San Dino, not sure if that`s one word or two, and I`m in Nagarote with Hna Castro. Hna. Castro is from Guatemala City and she has lived in the United States for two years, learning English. She`s very friendly and kind and smart. We don`t really talk a ton, but we get along fine. I`m really grateful that she is my companion. Well, in my letter I wrote about divisiones that we had yesterday and also a new investigator that we have. His name is Chico.
It was very sad to say goodbye to the CCM and my district. I love love loved the time that I had there and I loved my district too. I honestly have felt homesick for them and the CCM. But I am grateful to be here. Sometimes I think about that dream you had of me before I was born, Mom, and it makes me wonder how I was ever ready to leave a place and try something new. But part of me must like to do it! Really, I am glad to be here and I am very grateful for the opportunity I had to go to the Provo MTC and especially the Guatemala CCM. I love the Guatemala Temple. But....
Nicaragua is fun. It`s very different. I left the CCM with a lot of other missionaries and we hung out in the airport for about 4 hours. We flew to San Salvador and then to Managua. The first flight took about 15 or 20 minutes. And the second flight wasn`t much more. President Monestel, Hna. Monestel and their three kids were waiting for us. Hna Monestel and their two daughters had a flower for each of us. It was really sweet. President Monestel asked me how my Spanish was and I told him that it was okay. The assistants took our luggage and we went with the Monestel family in a mini van. President Monestel is humble. I like him. I thought that he drove a little crazy at first, but then I realized that that`s how everyone drives. haha. We (there were only three new hermanas this transfer) stayed at a hotel. My first Nicaraguan meal? McDonalds!!!! hahaha In the morning we had Gallo pinto which is rice and beans and everybody loves it. We had trainings at the President`s home since there were only 3 of us plus an hermana who was getting training in order to be a trainer. In the afternoon, we went out and worked with some sister missionaries in Managua. I went with Hna. Torres who is from Guatemala and Espanol is her second language. I was able to understand her pretty well. We walked a lot. We walked up a big hill. Walking around where people lived reminded me of Samoa just because it was hot and humid and smelled like smoke from a campfire. We talked to some people.
The next day, Wed, we had our intercambios meeting and I met my trainer. Hna Castro is way cool. She`s so kind and friendly to everyone. She can make friends with people instantly. Hopefully I can develop some of the talent, although I do realize that the Lord called ME on a mission (somewhat shy me)
Our house is really nice. My first night here I killed a huge spider. It was funny. Hna Castro came out and said, ¨Solomente, Hna. Tew tiene miedo de arañas? Solo, hay una gran araña en el cuarto.' Ashes to ashes, dust to dust. That thing was scary. There is one big room and three smaller rooms ' our bedroom, a room for luggage, clothes, small refrigerator, and changing, and the bathroom. We have a shower, and the water works 80 percent of the time. When it doesn`t work we take water out of a barrel and shower that way. It feels sooooooooo good. I actually like the bucket showers better, I think. It reminds me of jumping into a lake and feeling the cold water on my sweaty face. mmmmm...
We are working with lots and lots of people, but they are not progressing. It`s kind of depressing. I think they just try to please us, maybe? But it`s sad when they don`t come to church. We visited tons of people yesterday morning ' in splits ' and invited them to come to church, but they didn`t come. None of our investigators came. But miracles exist! And I have seen some miracles and I`ll see many many many many more. I am sure of that. We visited Blanca and Cruz, and gave them a Book of Mormon. Cruz got out a notebook and jotted down the pages of what we asked him to read. He had notes of previous lessons in that notebook. We suggested that he write down his questions in the notebook too. A lot of people don`t know how to read. and it`s difficult for them to understand the Libro de Mormon if they do read. This morning I was reading in 2 Ne 31 and it talks about how the Lord speaks to us in our language according to our understanding. He illuminates our understanding. I guess that`s through the Spirit and through prayer. Before I came on my mission, in one of my Special Ed classes, I had this impression that SpEd had prepared me for my mission. And I don`t mean that in a condescending way. I mean that I learned a lot of really valuable communication skills, teaching skills, and life skills in my classes and experiences. I know I was supposed to study SpED and also that I`m supposed to be here in Nicaragua.
Kyle - thanks for the letter! The day we left the CCM, on Monday, we had an earthquake too! But it sounds like yours was pretty bad. I`m glad the website is going well. I pray for you everyday!
Kevin, I got your Dear elder last Tuesday
Mom and Dad It sounds like Stake Conference was really awesome. I`m excited to get the letters and hear about how it went. Please write me a lot. I miss you too. It made me laugh-cry to hear about the piece of grass on the fence around the little tree. I`m glad you knew it was me! Thanks for attaching those two photos.
Mom can you post my new address on facebook -- thanks! also monitor my bank accounts. I took out some money today.
Nagarote is pretty safe. Don`t worry about me, but please do pray for me.
DAD!!! I almost forgot...the last friday night in the CCM President Steimle came into our classroom with his finger over his lips and motioned us to come into his apartment. There were three men sitting on the couches around the TV which was not working because of a storm. They had leftover pizza for us. They were watching the BYU UTAH game!!!! And I may have seen a few frames too. It made me laugh. I hope you got to see more than I did. But I did get to see something.
Okay, I got to go. I just got your letter Dad. I LOVE YOU all and I pray for you everyday ALL of you by name!!! I hope Dani and baby are doing well. Write me or something!
Here is the letter I wrote to the President today. See what you can correct.
Presidente Monestel,
Yo vivo! Y estoy agradecida de estar aqui en Nagarote con Hna. Castro. Esta semana, visitamos muchos recent conversos. Estoy aprendiendo que yo necesito confiar en El Señor mucho mas. Si esta carta es sobre como yo siento, yo siento cada sentimiento que es posible. Estoy triste porque nuestros investigadores no asistaran a la iglesia este domingo. Pero estoy animada porque tenemos contactos que vamos a enseñar. Hna. Castro es tuanis. Este domingo tuvimos divisiones y eso fue muy bien. Podiamos visitar y contactar. No pude entender mucho de lo que las personas dijeron, pero mi compañera, Hna. Gladis, me ayudo. Dios nos bendice! Mas que todo, yo quiero ser mejor. Yo quiero ser una misionera que sigue El Espiritu and tiene esperanza y fe en Jesucristo. Yo se que El Libro de Mormon me ayudara a tener El Espiritu.
I finally get to write you!!!! I sent a letter today. Well, I`m in Zona San Dino, not sure if that`s one word or two, and I`m in Nagarote with Hna Castro. Hna. Castro is from Guatemala City and she has lived in the United States for two years, learning English. She`s very friendly and kind and smart. We don`t really talk a ton, but we get along fine. I`m really grateful that she is my companion. Well, in my letter I wrote about divisiones that we had yesterday and also a new investigator that we have. His name is Chico.
It was very sad to say goodbye to the CCM and my district. I love love loved the time that I had there and I loved my district too. I honestly have felt homesick for them and the CCM. But I am grateful to be here. Sometimes I think about that dream you had of me before I was born, Mom, and it makes me wonder how I was ever ready to leave a place and try something new. But part of me must like to do it! Really, I am glad to be here and I am very grateful for the opportunity I had to go to the Provo MTC and especially the Guatemala CCM. I love the Guatemala Temple. But....
Nicaragua is fun. It`s very different. I left the CCM with a lot of other missionaries and we hung out in the airport for about 4 hours. We flew to San Salvador and then to Managua. The first flight took about 15 or 20 minutes. And the second flight wasn`t much more. President Monestel, Hna. Monestel and their three kids were waiting for us. Hna Monestel and their two daughters had a flower for each of us. It was really sweet. President Monestel asked me how my Spanish was and I told him that it was okay. The assistants took our luggage and we went with the Monestel family in a mini van. President Monestel is humble. I like him. I thought that he drove a little crazy at first, but then I realized that that`s how everyone drives. haha. We (there were only three new hermanas this transfer) stayed at a hotel. My first Nicaraguan meal? McDonalds!!!! hahaha In the morning we had Gallo pinto which is rice and beans and everybody loves it. We had trainings at the President`s home since there were only 3 of us plus an hermana who was getting training in order to be a trainer. In the afternoon, we went out and worked with some sister missionaries in Managua. I went with Hna. Torres who is from Guatemala and Espanol is her second language. I was able to understand her pretty well. We walked a lot. We walked up a big hill. Walking around where people lived reminded me of Samoa just because it was hot and humid and smelled like smoke from a campfire. We talked to some people.
The next day, Wed, we had our intercambios meeting and I met my trainer. Hna Castro is way cool. She`s so kind and friendly to everyone. She can make friends with people instantly. Hopefully I can develop some of the talent, although I do realize that the Lord called ME on a mission (somewhat shy me)
Our house is really nice. My first night here I killed a huge spider. It was funny. Hna Castro came out and said, ¨Solomente, Hna. Tew tiene miedo de arañas? Solo, hay una gran araña en el cuarto.' Ashes to ashes, dust to dust. That thing was scary. There is one big room and three smaller rooms ' our bedroom, a room for luggage, clothes, small refrigerator, and changing, and the bathroom. We have a shower, and the water works 80 percent of the time. When it doesn`t work we take water out of a barrel and shower that way. It feels sooooooooo good. I actually like the bucket showers better, I think. It reminds me of jumping into a lake and feeling the cold water on my sweaty face. mmmmm...
We are working with lots and lots of people, but they are not progressing. It`s kind of depressing. I think they just try to please us, maybe? But it`s sad when they don`t come to church. We visited tons of people yesterday morning ' in splits ' and invited them to come to church, but they didn`t come. None of our investigators came. But miracles exist! And I have seen some miracles and I`ll see many many many many more. I am sure of that. We visited Blanca and Cruz, and gave them a Book of Mormon. Cruz got out a notebook and jotted down the pages of what we asked him to read. He had notes of previous lessons in that notebook. We suggested that he write down his questions in the notebook too. A lot of people don`t know how to read. and it`s difficult for them to understand the Libro de Mormon if they do read. This morning I was reading in 2 Ne 31 and it talks about how the Lord speaks to us in our language according to our understanding. He illuminates our understanding. I guess that`s through the Spirit and through prayer. Before I came on my mission, in one of my Special Ed classes, I had this impression that SpEd had prepared me for my mission. And I don`t mean that in a condescending way. I mean that I learned a lot of really valuable communication skills, teaching skills, and life skills in my classes and experiences. I know I was supposed to study SpED and also that I`m supposed to be here in Nicaragua.
Kyle - thanks for the letter! The day we left the CCM, on Monday, we had an earthquake too! But it sounds like yours was pretty bad. I`m glad the website is going well. I pray for you everyday!
Kevin, I got your Dear elder last Tuesday
Mom and Dad It sounds like Stake Conference was really awesome. I`m excited to get the letters and hear about how it went. Please write me a lot. I miss you too. It made me laugh-cry to hear about the piece of grass on the fence around the little tree. I`m glad you knew it was me! Thanks for attaching those two photos.
Mom can you post my new address on facebook -- thanks! also monitor my bank accounts. I took out some money today.
Nagarote is pretty safe. Don`t worry about me, but please do pray for me.
DAD!!! I almost forgot...the last friday night in the CCM President Steimle came into our classroom with his finger over his lips and motioned us to come into his apartment. There were three men sitting on the couches around the TV which was not working because of a storm. They had leftover pizza for us. They were watching the BYU UTAH game!!!! And I may have seen a few frames too. It made me laugh. I hope you got to see more than I did. But I did get to see something.
Okay, I got to go. I just got your letter Dad. I LOVE YOU all and I pray for you everyday ALL of you by name!!! I hope Dani and baby are doing well. Write me or something!
Here is the letter I wrote to the President today. See what you can correct.
Presidente Monestel,
Yo vivo! Y estoy agradecida de estar aqui en Nagarote con Hna. Castro. Esta semana, visitamos muchos recent conversos. Estoy aprendiendo que yo necesito confiar en El Señor mucho mas. Si esta carta es sobre como yo siento, yo siento cada sentimiento que es posible. Estoy triste porque nuestros investigadores no asistaran a la iglesia este domingo. Pero estoy animada porque tenemos contactos que vamos a enseñar. Hna. Castro es tuanis. Este domingo tuvimos divisiones y eso fue muy bien. Podiamos visitar y contactar. No pude entender mucho de lo que las personas dijeron, pero mi compañera, Hna. Gladis, me ayudo. Dios nos bendice! Mas que todo, yo quiero ser mejor. Yo quiero ser una misionera que sigue El Espiritu and tiene esperanza y fe en Jesucristo. Yo se que El Libro de Mormon me ayudara a tener El Espiritu.
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